Healthy Living…One Day At A Time

Posts tagged ‘smoothies’

9 Tips to Add Color to Your Diet

Colorful food means that you are consuming key nutrients; these are easy ways to add color and essential nutrients to your daily diet.

* Wash fruit and veggies as soon as you get home so they’re ready to eat!

* Use hummus or low fat ranch as dips for snacks.

* Mix your greens; ie romaine lettuce with purple cabbage and add some onion.

* Add veggies to your sandwich, casserole or soup; onions, peppers, tomatoes.

* Make your own juice from fresh fruit.

* Keep fresh fruit in a pretty bowl on the table- when it’s in sight, you won’t forget!

* Prepare fruit for a dessert; think baked apples with cinnamon…yum…

* Bake with raisins, dates, prunes to add sweetness and fiber.

* Make a fruit smoothie for breakfast.

If you like the tips on Health-E Bits, stroll on over to Dr. Bud’s blog for some practical, resourceful tips on healthy living!